Cyberlaw by Eoin Campbell
GDPR: Identifying personal data & sensitive data

GDPR: Identifying personal data & sensitive data

Given that more than a year has passed since the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented, on the 25th May 2018 to be precise, most businesses are aware that they have a legal obligation to protect any ‘personal data’ which they...

Pseudonymisation: The GDPR’s great legal “loophole”?

Pseudonymisation: The GDPR’s great legal “loophole”?

The GDPR was approved by the Parliament of the European Union on the 14th April 2016 and has been in force since the 25th May 2018. Organisations that are not compliant can now face heavy fines. Suffice to say, significant changes to the way businesses and companies...

Why You Should Consider a GDPR Representative Office in Ireland

Why You Should Consider a GDPR Representative Office in Ireland

The General Data Protection Regulation applies to any data controller and processor who deals with the data of EU citizens or residents, whether the data handler is based within the European Union or not. In addition to ensuring that they meet general compliance...

The GDPR and the Brussels Effect

The GDPR and the Brussels Effect

The General Data Protection Regulation came into effect throughout the member states of the European Union on the 25th May 2018. As you are no doubt already well aware, the GDPR is, in simple terms, a new framework of conditions aimed at giving citizens of the...

Working From Home: Is your data secure?

Working From Home: Is your data secure?

Some have called it the “new normal”. Others speak of the “Post-Covid world.” More positive and hopeful voices tell us that the Covid-19 pandemic, while painful, is but a temporary hiccup in the history of humanity. Whatever the truth of the matter it is clear that...

US Companies need to look to the Old World

US Companies need to look to the Old World

Two court rulings made in July 2020 may prove to be among the most important legal precedents that American tech companies will ever have had to come to grips with. What is particularly interesting about these two decisions is that they were not made by the Supreme...

Why has TikTok chosen Ireland as its European base?

Why has TikTok chosen Ireland as its European base?

In a statement released on the 29th of June 2020, TikTok, the Chinese video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, announced its decision to move the responsibility for safeguarding the privacy of its European users to its Irish and UK entities. ...

A Failure to Learn the Lesson?

A Failure to Learn the Lesson?

Fresh Data Breach Heartbreak for Marriott Hotel Group In December 2018, Marriott International disclosed a breach which had impacted some 383 million guest records. Industry specialists at the time viewed the data failure as a key example of the risks inherent in...

Virgin Media Facing up to $5.5 Billion Data Breach Compensation Bill

Virgin Media Facing up to $5.5 Billion Data Breach Compensation Bill

Virgin Media Ltd, which provides television, telephone and internet services throughout the United Kingdom may have to fork out up to £4,500,000,000 (roughly $5.5 billion) after a data security breach in which personal information belonging to its customers was...

Google to Appeal $7.45m Swedish GDPR Non-Compliance Fine

Google to Appeal $7.45m Swedish GDPR Non-Compliance Fine

Privacy Authority to impose $8 Million Penalty Google has announced that it intends to appeal the recent General Data Protection Regulation fine, its second, levied by Sweden's Data Protection Authority against the internet giant. A fine of 75 million kroner...

Amazon Meets with GDPR Troubles on the Eve of Covid-19

Amazon Meets with GDPR Troubles on the Eve of Covid-19

Various industry specialists, including Adobe Analytics, have reported that increasing consumer concern, and indeed shop closures, following the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak is already influencing our online shopping behaviour in a significant manner. While traditional...

Dutch Data Protection Authority issues first GDPR-fine

Dutch Data Protection Authority issues first GDPR-fine

The Haga Hospital in the Hague has become the first Dutch body to be fined for violation of Europe's new privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). has reported that a fine of €460,000 is being imposed on the Hospital for failing to provide a...

Schrems II to put GDPR to the Test

Schrems II to put GDPR to the Test

It has been a long journey, but what may prove to be a crucial data privacy case from Ireland has finally made its way to Luxembourg's Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). On Tuesday the court heard arguments in what has become referred to as the Schrems II...

Visitor Books: Will the GDPR make them a thing of holidays past?

Visitor Books: Will the GDPR make them a thing of holidays past?

According to a story first reported by the Irish Times on the 23rd of July 2019, it appears that the reach of the General Data Protection Regulation may extend to a form of record keeping that few would have envisaged as relevant when the regulation was first drafted:...

GDPR: French Real Estate Company Faces €400,000 Fine

GDPR: French Real Estate Company Faces €400,000 Fine

In January 2019 the French Data Protection Authority (the CNIL), hit Google LLC with a record €50m fine for failing to comply with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A decision made on the 28th May 2019 which imposes a €400,000 fine on SERGIC, a real...

British Airways faces potential €200 million GDPR fine

British Airways faces potential €200 million GDPR fine

The UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has announced that it intends to fine British Airways for a recent infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The security breach occurred when British Airways customers were directed away from the BA...

GDPR celebrates its first birthday

GDPR celebrates its first birthday

Today marks the first anniversary of the introduction of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As the solitary candle of the birthday cake is being blown out, we can take a moment to reflect upon what has undoubtedly been an eventful debut...

First GDPR fine issued by Italian Data Protection Authority

First GDPR fine issued by Italian Data Protection Authority

Italy's first GDPR fine has been issued by the Garante, the Italian Data Protection Authority. Action was taken due to the failure to implement privacy security measures in the aftermath of a data breach on the “Rousseau” platform. The platform operates the websites...

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Privacy is key to everything that we do at J Flowers Health Institute. We require the highest data privacy standards in our daily operations between our team members and patients. The HIPAA compliance and cyber security training we provide to our teams with ComplianceJunction creates enormous value for our organization.

Kevin DeLoach

Chief Operating Officer
J. Flowers Health Institute