Measure the level of HIPAA awareness in your organization.

Do you know if your current HIPAA training program is fit for purpose?

  • Completion of training does not mean employees retain their training or are putting their knowledge into practice at your workplace.
  • Risk of non-compliance remains if you can't be certain about the effectiveness of your current HIPAA training program.
  • Measure actual HIPAA awareness quickly and easily to identify gaps in training.
  • Confidential and complimentary - only you will have access to the results and there is no obligation for taking the assessment.
  • Identify staff members that need extra help and gaps in your current HIPAA training program.

Benefits To Your Organization:


Understand how well your current HIPAA training program is performing for your organization.


Find out how well your organization is performing compared to other healthcare organizations.

Gap Analysis

Identify knowledge gaps with regard to HIPAA awareness of employees.


Assessment results can help gain buy-in from senior management for updating training structures.

"This was definitely a worthwhile exercise! It helped our agency to identify gaps in the training program that we already had in place and helped us to also see which disciplines/roles in the clinic may benefit from more training. The system was fairly easy to use and to access info.  The number of questions felt manageable and I didn't get any feedback from staff that it felt too "hard" or took too long to take. "

Deena Smith, LCSW, SIFI, Behavioral Health Compliance Manager, Housing Works Community Healthcare

Simple Three-Step Sign Up Process

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page. This will also let us know how many employees in your organization you want to be part of your assessment process.

We will be in touch very quickly and then send you the private URL for your organization assessment. You can then share this link with your chosen colleagues.

Once each of your colleagues complete the assessment you will be able to review the results of the HIPAA awareness assessment in real time via our training dashboard.

How Does It Work?

This HIPAA compliance training assessment is ideal for a small group of selected employees in your organization, ranging from 10 to 40 employees.

Each member of your staff will be assigned questions from a purpose built question bank within our learning management system (LMS).

This means that each staff member will receive a unique set of questions.

We have designed the assessment in this way to ensure that it provides the most accurate measurement of your organization’s current knowledge level.

Question categories include:

What is HIPAA?
HIPAA Disclosure Guidelines
Threats to Patient Data
HIPAA Practical scenarios
Computer Safety Rules
HIPAA Violation consequences
HIPAA and Social Media
HIPAA and Emergency situations

Sign Up For Your Assessment Now

Fill out this form to take advantage of our HIPAA training assessment and gain valuable insights into your organization’s HIPAA awareness level.

    What Our Clients Say About Us

    What Our Clients Say About Us

    WBC Counseling

    The value in what ComplianceJunction has brought to WBC Counseling is so far reaching for us. They provide up-to-date, current HIPAA trainings that prove to be a great resource for our staff. The trainings are an excellent source that garners not only a well put together educational means to instruct our staff, but through them, we are able to maintain our company’s compliance requirements with our international accreditation status.

    Tyrone Staples

    Business Operations Manager
    WBC Counseling

    Supera Fulfillment HIPAA Training

    We recently entered into a new market and we were required by our customers to provide comprehensive HIPAA Training to our staff for the first time in order to gain access to this new market. In preparation, we searched for the best HIPAA Training provider to suit our requirements. We decided to go with ComplianceJunction and we are delighted with this decision. It was clearly the right decision for our company. In a few short weeks we went from very little HIPAA awareness amongst our staff to now having a very solid understanding of HIPAA across all of our team members. Thank you ComplianceJunction!

    Rafiqur Khan

    Quality Assurance & Quality Control Manager Supera Fulfillment

    As a new medical practice, we needed a HIPAA training solution that was affordable and effective. As we grow and add employees, Compliance Junction courses allow us to access the latest HIPAA-compliant information instantly and to meet our obligations to patients by ensuring our staff is prepared to protect their information. We highly recommend courses provided by ComplianceJunction.

    Deana Flynn, 

    MSN, PMHNP- BC, 
    Fortis Behavioral Health, Lumberton, NC

    Privacy is key to everything that we do at J Flowers Health Institute. We require the highest data privacy standards in our daily operations between our team members and patients. The HIPAA compliance and cyber security training we provide to our teams with ComplianceJunction creates enormous value for our organization.

    Kevin DeLoach

    Chief Operating Officer
    J. Flowers Health Institute

    Supera Fulfillment HIPAA Training

    We approached ComplianceJunction in March 2022. Since then, our entire workforce has been staying ahead with all matters relating to HIPAA compliance thanks to ComplianceJunction training. What we like about their training platform is the ease of generating ad-hoc reports for auditing purposes and also to view training results in real-time. They are also very responsive to any requests that we may have to support our HIPAA training process at the Hospital.

    Debra Miesch

    CEO, Catahoula Parish Hospital Dist. #2

    WBC Counseling

    ComplianceJunction not only has great HIPAA training content, but their customer service is excellent – professional, courteous, and helpful every time!

    Barbara Stone-Carroll, SHRM-SCP

    Vice President of Human Resources

    WBC Counseling

    We are responsible for ensuring that all our students maintain patient privacy. We had been looking for a solution to train students and came upon ComplianceJunction. We have found this to be a very user-friendly platform with a team that is easy to work with. Our students commented that the whole process was easy to follow and complete

    Kristi Taylor RDH, MSEd

    Department Chair/Program Director

    Dental Hygiene Clark College