What are the HB-300 Training Requirements?

What are the HB-300 Training Requirements?

The HB-300 training requirements encompass comprehensive education and awareness programs designed to educate employees within Texas healthcare organizations about the intricacies of patient privacy laws, data security measures, proper handling of protected health...
How Often is HIPAA Training Required?

How Often is HIPAA Training Required?

HIPAA training is conventionally recommended as an annual practice for all staff members who have access to Protected Health Information (PHI), underlining the significance of consistently reinforcing their understanding of privacy and security protocols; in addition,...
Employee Consequences of Violating HIPAA

Employee Consequences of Violating HIPAA

Employees who violate HIPAA may face severe consequences, including disciplinary actions, termination of employment, legal penalties, fines, and even imprisonment, as their actions can compromise the privacy and security of patient information and breach the trust...
Is Signal HIPAA Compliant?

Is Signal HIPAA Compliant?

Signal is a secure communications platform that is similar in look and feel (and logo) to WhatsApp. In head-to-head comparisons between the two platforms, Signal frequently comes out on top for being the most secure and for not collecting user data. But does this make...
Is Microsoft Teams HIPAA Compliant?

Is Microsoft Teams HIPAA Compliant?

There is no absolute answer to the question is Microsoft Teams HIPAA compliant because there are several versions of the Microsoft Teams platform – some of which are HIPAA compliant, and some of which are not. Furthermore, HIPAA compliance is not dependent on which...
Is WhatsApp HIPAA Compliant?

Is WhatsApp HIPAA Compliant?

The answer to the question is WhatsApp HIPAA compliant is “No”. Despite the service having suitable encryption and backup capabilities, it lacks several other capabilities required by the Technical Safeguards of the HIPAA Security Rule (§164.312) such as user...