What is the Maximum Penalty for a HIPAA Violation?

What is the Maximum Penalty for a HIPAA Violation?

The maximum penalty for a HIPAA violation can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation, with a maximum annual penalty of $1.5 million for repeated violations of the same provision, and in cases involving willful neglect, the penalties can reach up to $1.5 million per...
Is DocuSign HIPAA Compliant?

Is DocuSign HIPAA Compliant?

The question is DocuSign HIPAA compliant is a difficult question to answer due to a lack of transparency by the eSignature service provider. Consequently, it is essential healthcare organizations perform due diligence in depth before subscribing to DocuSign’s...
What is HIPAA Certification?

What is HIPAA Certification?

The purpose of HIPAA certification for healthcare professionals is to demonstrate a level of competency and understanding of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA certification can be beneficial because it establishes a standardized...