HIPAA Advice
How Much Does HIPAA Non-Compliance Cost?

How Much Does HIPAA Non-Compliance Cost?

The Security Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) reqiores that all covered bodies put in place the appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to keep PHI secure. Failure to adopt those basic minimum...

HIPAA Data Breach: How to Calculate Costs

HIPAA Data Breach: How to Calculate Costs

Calculating the cost of a HIPAA data violation is not a simple process, at least not until a number of years after a data breach happened. Corrective actions must be taken following a data breach, and the cost of notification and damage mitigation can escalate....

The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule: an Overview

The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule: an Overview

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is one of the most important pieces of legislation in recent years in regard to the healthcare industry. In spite of its importance, many healthcare providers and insurers remain unaware of many HIPAA...

Social Media Has Huge Potential to Cause HIPAA Violations

Social Media Has Huge Potential to Cause HIPAA Violations

  Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube have the potential to lead to HIPAA breaches as they allow people to stay connected and share information with their friends, families, acquaintances, and in some cases, total strangers. Any...

HIPAA Omnibus Rule Now Legally Binding

HIPAA Omnibus Rule Now Legally Binding

The HIPAA Omnibus Rule was passed in March this year, although the OCR gave covered bodies a grace period in which to bring their organizations strategies and procedures up to date with the new regulations. The Omnibus Rule amended HIPAA to cover Business Associates...

HIPAA Compliance will be Enforced on Cloud Service Providers

HIPAA Compliance will be Enforced on Cloud Service Providers

The Omnibus Final Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act came into effect on March 26, after a long period of amendments, deliveration and adjustments. The main aim of the new legislation is to amend the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules and...

Marketing Restrictions Enhanced due to HIPAA Omnibus Rule

Marketing Restrictions Enhanced due to HIPAA Omnibus Rule

The passing of the Omnibus Final Rule, also referred to as the HIPAA Mega Rule due to the extent of that it amends the current legislation, clears up many loose ends that were in place from the HIPAA Privacy Rule in relation to marketing. The use of Protected Health...

HIPAA Omnibus Rule Increase Breach Penalties

HIPAA Omnibus Rule Increase Breach Penalties

Financial sanctions for healthcare organizations found in breach of HIPAA regulations are to be raised substantially as part of the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, which will also be applied to business associates and their subcontractors. The original fine structure was...

Raise the level of HIPAA Awareness in your organization with Learner-Friendly, Comprehensive and Affordable HIPAA Training.


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Privacy is key to everything that we do at J Flowers Health Institute. We require the highest data privacy standards in our daily operations between our team members and patients. The HIPAA compliance and cyber security training we provide to our teams with ComplianceJunction creates enormous value for our organization.

Kevin DeLoach

Chief Operating Officer
J. Flowers Health Institute