Patrick Kennedy is a highly accomplished journalist and editor with nearly two decades of experience in the field. With expertise in writing and editing content, Patrick has made significant contributions to various publications and organizations. Over the course of his career, Patrick has successfully managed teams of writers, overseeing the production of high-quality content and ensuring its adherence to professional standards. His exceptional leadership skills, combined with his deep understanding of journalistic principles, have allowed him to create cohesive and engaging narratives that resonate with readers. A notable area of specialization for Patrick lies in compliance, particularly in relation to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). He has authored numerous articles delving into the complexities of compliance and its implications for various industries. Patrick's comprehensive understanding of HIPAA regulations has positioned him as a go-to expert, sought after for his insights and expertise in this field. Patrick's bachelors degree is from the University of Limerick and his master's degree in journalism is from Dublin City University. You can contact Patrick through his LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pkkennedy/

50% of US Organizations Not Prepared for CCPA

Are you ready for CCPA?

The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) is due to become enforceable on January 1, 2020. Corporations, government agencies and other groups will be using 2019 to prepare for the new legislation. The proposed legislation allows Californian residents the following...
Humana Reports Cyber Spoofing Attack

Humana Reports Cyber Spoofing Attack

Humana is contacting members across the US to notify them that their PHI may have been been accessed during a ‘sophisticated’ spoofing campaign. A spoofing attack refers to a concerted effort by a threat actor or bot to gain access to a system or data using illegally...
HealthEquity Phishing Attack Exposes PHI

HealthEquity Phishing Attack Exposes PHI

HealthEquity Inc. has been hit by a phishing attack leading to the exposure of members’ protected health information. The data breach was restricted to one email account, although a review of the messages in the account showed a range of PHI was potentially stolen by...